Business profile


Business Practices, Marketing and Law

For promotion of customer sales opportunities svendhjortAGENCIES will advise customer on operational requirements of a wide range of military equipment and command and control systems, pertinent to

the Danish Armed Forces in general and to the RDAF in particular, including advise on Command and Control - and Self Protection Systems for civilian aircraft.


On military equipment/weapon systems issues svendhjortAGENCIES will assist customer in establishing contact withrelevant administrative, operational and logistic levels in Denmark as appropriate, in order to promote customer interests and products.


All of this will be done in full compliance with danish laws and customer business practices.


Last update may 2018


Lyngvejen 31, Klegod

Postbox 31

DK-6950 Ringkøbing

Tlf.: +45 39 76 15 14

Mob.: +45 40 20 32 00